What If A Dinosaur: There's a Diplodocus at the Door!
定價$300 優惠85折 $255

What If A Dinosaur: There's a Diplodocus at the Door!

Have you ever wondered how dinosaurs would cope if theywere alive today? What if they went to the dentist? What if they went to a birthday party? What if they came round for dinner? What if a dinosaur…? gives young readers a simple introduction to four dinosaur species: Tyrannosaurus Rex, Diplodocus, Stegosaurus and Triceratops. By imagining dinosaurs in modern-day scenarios, readers can learn about their size, diet and other features. For example, a Stegosaurus weighed as much as three cars – so just imagine how it would play on a seesaw! Engaging question and answer format will keep young readers entertained and help them to understand and retain dinosaur facts. (資料來源:Amazon)
ISBN: 9781781711552
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