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  Room on the Broom (平裝本)(英國版) $385 85折 $327
The witch and her cat are happily flying through the sky on a broomstick when the wind picks up and blows away the witch's hat, then her bow, and then her wand! Luckily, three helpful animals find the missing items, and all they want in return is a ride on the broom. But is there room on the broom for so many friends? And when disaster strikes, will they be able to save the witch from a hungry dragon? (資料來源:Amazon)
  Ten Apples Up On Top $330 85折 $281
獅子說:我可以在頭上放兩個蘋果!小狗說:我可以放四個蘋果,然後一邊跳繩!」 老虎說:「我可以放七個蘋果,而且還可以同時走鋼索!」動物們在頭上堆了越來越多的蘋果,突然出現了…頭上的蘋果會不會掉下來呢?
  The Croaky Pokey $180 85折 $153
Hop the Croakey Pokey As flies buzz all around, Right in the froggy's mouth! Don't miss the froggy fun in this hopping and bopping version of a favorite traditional song and game. (資料來源:Amazon)
  The Greedy Goat $385 85折 $327
  Yes We Can! $420 85折 $357
小袋鼠和朋友們一起玩耍, 每個人都有不同的特長。 小袋鼠擅長跳高,鴨子擅長划水。 小朋友,你擅長什麼呢?
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